
When Mother’s Day Hurts

For me, Mother’s Day is very bittersweet. As much as I look forward to celebrating my first Mother’s Day with my daughter, my heart aches that I won’t be able to hug and kiss both of my children on that day. While I will treasure each moment I have with Lucy on Sunday, I also will visit Andy’s grave and remember my beautiful son, who was taken from me by SMA too soon.

For those like me who’ve lost a child or for those who’ve lost a mother, the article at the link below may help you heal a bit. Or, it might better explain how to reach out to any bereaved mothers you know. At any rate, I hope that it helps with this bittersweet day.  –Audra Butler

When Mother’s Day Hurts – By Karla Helbert, MS, LPC, Grief, Loss & Bereavement Topic Expert Contributor

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